I am lucky to have a wonderful mother.
She was just 18 when I was born so we sort of grew up together.
I remember as a little girl sitting on the bed watching my mother brush and style her long dark hair. I was mesmerized by her beautiful hair. Unfortunately she had 3 children in quick sucession and the hair was one too many things to take care of, so she cut it off and wore it short for the next 50+ years. Now as a great grandmother she is letting it grow again.
She taught me many things over the years that I recall on a daily basis:
Lesson number one was to trust in the Lord. She taught her four children to pray and took us to church. She served in her callings with her best ability and attended the temple. She supported my father in what ever calling he had and helped us take care of our church responsibilities. She made treats for Family Home Evening and encouraged us to be prayerful in our choices.
Lesson number two was to be a good wife. My father was always my mother's first concern. She supported him as the head of our home. She worked by his side in all of the remodeling and building tasks that came up. When he suggested a ride together, she grabbed a diaper for the baby, loaded us up and away we went, laughing and smiling, with thoughts of an ice cream treat for a reward.
Lesson number three was that family and traditions are important. I remember mama loading us up in the car and driving us to downtown Los Angeles to visit my great grandmother. I remember being sent on a walk to the mail box to send a post card mama had written to her grandmother. Mom worked tirelessly to make gifts and prepare a meal for the entire extended family each Christmas. She spent family vacation camping with her in-laws every year, hauling everything needed to keep 4 little ones clean and dry.
Lesson number 4 was that hard work is good. She would work by our sides as we learned to cook and clean. She encouraged us as we pulled weeds in the yard. Her chore box was memorable, and the reward of a trip to the mall on a Saturday afternoon helped us work a little faster. From her I learned that a house needs to be clean enough to be healthy and messy enough for the family be creative.
My mom is very creative. This year she knitted a scarf and stylish hat for all of her daughters, grand daughters and nieces. She is magic in her sewing room. Her home is a beautiful reflection of the creative thoughts that whirl through her head. She is meticulous in her work and has won blue ribbons for her perfection.
Sometimes it takes a few life experiences to appreciate your own wonderful mother. I have been richly blessed and my mother is at the top of my blessing list. She loved me through the trying years, encouraged me through the rough years, she continues to teach through the growing years.
It was mom's birthday last week--she turned 75. She was noticing some signs of aging. I reminded her that our family lives long and healthy and that we have at least 20 more years to go. May they be happy and productive years.
Happy Birthday Mom. I love you.
13 hours ago