I love time out.
Sometimes in a family situation you almost feel the need of a referee calling time out for both teams to take a breath and look at the situation with clear eyes to see what is really happening, form a new plan to put your best effort forward and begin again.
Once I discovered the technique of time out as a parent my whole parenting plan changed. Sometimes the plan went into effect to help my out-of-control child stop an action, regroup, then try again, hopefully, with better family manners.
But, I found that the best time out was for me!! With 6 kids, the day care toddlers and who knows how many other kids in the house, by evening time mom was fried. That is when I locked the bedroom door. Locked the bathroom door (double locks otta keep them at bay for at least a few minutes) ran the bubble bath and turned on the noisy jets----AHHHHH.... Peace at last.
Yes TIME OUT is a mother's best friend
12 hours ago