Time passes quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was facing a busy summer with 6 small children. Now those children are all grown and between them they are raising 17 little ones with summer dreams in their eyes.
When my children were young and at home we spent a lot of time at the pool. On a hot summer day it was a great reward for doing our morning routine--making the beds, dusting and vacuuming, cleaning up the kitchen and reviewing a few of the things we remembered from the school year.
After lunch we would pack up some snacks and head out for a cool afternoon of water fun. It was a treat for me because the kids were so busy dipping and diving they did not need much from me except a set of eyes to watch.
After the pool I would bring the tired children home and let them have some time to read or watch a movie while I made dinner in the quiet kitchen.
I remember on a busy Saturday filled with chores and home remodeling we would end the day with a trip to the pool to cool off and add some fun. As the time approached to go home we would put a dab of shampoo on the kids hair and put them under the shower at the side of the pool. As the shampoo and water washed over their bodies they were clean and ready for pj's and bedtime.
I will soon have grandchildren visiting for a few days. I do not have a neighborhood pool to take them to any more, but I do have a wading pool that I put on the deck and fill up. Sometimes they play in the pool as they pour water on each other and the deck. Sometimes we just put our feet in as we sit by the side and eat a popsicle. Sometimes I turn on the sprinkler to water the lawn and let the children play in the droplets. Sometimes we get in the car and drive to visit Aunt T and her neighborhood pool.
What ever the opportunity affords, I do believe some water and sunshine help children grow in body and spirit. It is time to enjoy a summer day by the waters edge.
13 hours ago
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