It has been a long time. It is time to start again.
As I've been reading my past posts I feel inspired to try and write some musings again.
Thank you mom, for the encouragement to start fresh.
Life has a way of marching on and on --whether you want to march along or not.
Since my last entry three and a half years ago, our family has grown and changed.
My opportunities to study the "BIG PICTURE" have increased.
I've learned, even more, that we are all subject to the consequences of choices, some choices we make, some the choices of others.
I have a strong conviction that the world can be a better and happier place if people will just be kind to each other.
I can't control anyone except me.
I will try harder to be kind to others.
I will share my smile more freely,
I will try to meet rudeness with gentleness.
I will try to slow down and let others go first.
I will look for a positive spin in a negative situation.
I've learned that most people carry a heavy burden. Kindness from those we meet, as we walk along our path of life, will help lighten our load.
I'm making a goal this year to smile more often. It is a service to others. It is contagious.
Give it a try, you might make someone's day a little brighter.
😃😊😍😘😀😄😊😌🙂🙃😇😉 😊😃😌😉😊🙂😍
A children's song I taught my children went like this:
A smile is like the sunshine,
It brightens up the day.
Gives your eyes a twinkle,
And chases clouds away.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago