Wednesday, February 24, 2010

road rage

I find that when I try to find good in others--even when there does not seem like there is much --I am soon feeling better about a situation and myself.

To illustrate: I am driving down a road we all know (or so I think) that will soon turn to one lane. Everyone needs to get over but one creep goes roaring up the vanishing lane and then tries to zip in in front of me causing me to stomp on the brakes. (of course this stretch of road is on my way to church and the doctor and I am trying my hardest to be on time) I try to think that maybe they are from out of town, coming to visit the grand children for the first time in their new house and it has been a long drive--the bathroom is calling, and that is why they do not know how to be polite causing me to loose my cheerful disposition for a moment.

I like this thought from Wilfred A. Peterson

Love is the perfect antidote that floods the mind
to wash away hatred, jealousy, resentment, anxiety, and fear.

Trying to be patient and kind to others is a life long pursuit. I find it is best to start at home, with those that I live with, then it is easier to stretch it to friends and neighbors and eventually to all that we come in contact with. After all, aren't we all brothers and sisters?? Just one big happy family can start with me.

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