Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I love summer. It is my favorite season.
Yes, yes, I hear you--I know it is HOT,
air conditioning and water make it easier for me to cool off
than in the winter when I am so COLD I am FROZEN STIFF.

Yesterday I filled up the little plastic pool and placed it on the deck. I gave the grandchildren each a frozen yogurt, dressed them in their bathing suits and told them to have fun.

Two hours later the pool was empty, the deck and everything else was wet, and I had a clean kitchen with dinner made!! The children went to bed nicely because they were exhausted.

I love summer. No homework, bedtime is not manditory because the alarm is not ringing before the sun shines. There are leaves on the trees and flowers in the garden. I love the fresh vegetables and easy light dinners. I like going out the door and not having to put on a sweater or coat.

Yes, Summer is my favorite season!!

1 comment:

  1. I love summer, too!! As long as I'm in the A/C or the pool!!
