Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Today is the day we honor mothers.

I have a wonderful mother. We grew up together--you see she was 17 when she married my dad and 18 when I was born. Now we are both grandmothers. At the moment we both have 14 grandchildren. Mom does have 18 great grandchildren, with more on the way. She does her best to keep up with all of them.

My mom is amazing. She can create and do things that are so beautiful. She is never idle, if she sits for a few minutes in front of the TV she also has her hands busy crocheting, knitting, cross stitching, tatting--you name it, she does it. She is a little bit of a lady at just 5' but she knows how to get her point across just fine. She is clever and resourceful. Mom calls every week to keep me abreast of my family that lives so far from me and I enjoy our visits very much. I love to laugh with my mother. The most important thing she ever taught me was how to be a good wife. She is an amazing wife to my father, kind and patient.

A few years ago I was given a partial quilt square that David's grandmother had made. I wanted to make a wall hanging out of it for my mother in law. My mom helped me come up with a sweet phrase to express my sentiments, she helped do the cross stitch, my dad made the frame. Now the piece of art hangs in my home. It says:

Praise God for Mother's gentle hand
and love we cannot understand
Praise Him who sent us from above
the blessing of a mothers love

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers in my life, my own mom and the mothers of my grandchildren. You are all amazing and I love each of you. Happy Mother's day to those who nurture children, young and old.

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