Monday, January 17, 2011


Yesterday I listened to a wonderful talk on Gratitude.

I have known for a long time that being thankful for the things you have makes a person more gentle, kind and happy.

It is the philosophy of looking at half a donut and seeing the sugared delight and not the hole, taking a half glass of milk and enjoying the cool refreshing taste as it couples with the donut and not measuring who got more--you or the person you are sharing the sweet treat with.

Gratitude makes you happy to have a friend to share with.

Selfishness makes you wish for the whole calorie filled diet buster for yourself forgetting the delight that comes in sharing a sweet moment.

A few thoughts I took away from the talk were:

gratitude precedes miracles. If only because you have a different way of looking at the things that are happening in your life.

We should be humble enough to cherish the blessings we already have. We live in an awesome era. Most of us have plenty to eat. We live in homes where we are warm in the winter and cool in the summer. We have clothes to wear and shoes for our feet. When tired we have a comfortable bed to sleep in.

Joseph B. Wirthlin is quoted as saying,
"Gratitude is the mark of a refined soul"

Refined is my thought word for today as I mentally list my blessings.

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