Friday, April 2, 2010

One Smile at a Time

Before she was a mother or even mortal her name was Eve, the mother of all living.

I believe and have been taught that motherhood is the noblest calling, worth all effort to bear and rear that child in goodness. Yet, there was a time in my life when I thought I may not have the privilege of bearing my own children. What then??

Women by nature have the desire to nurture. Watch any 3 year old girl with a doll, we are born with it. If we let that deep down desire come to the surface and nurture those around us, especially the children and men in our lives, we could change the atmosphere of the moment. If we smile and talk gentle then the people around us will have the tendency to smile and talk more gentle.

If you think the world is a difficult place to live right now, do your best to change it--one smile at a time.

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